Friday, November 11, 2016

How To Play Dragon City On Facebook (Beginner Guide)

How To Play Dragon City On Facebook - As we know that in Facebook now available thousands of game that we can play online. Instead of chatting with our friends. We can choose one of the game they provide to throw out our borringness.

One of the popular game in Facebook nowadays is Dragon City. But there are still many people who don’t understand well about how to play and start it. Below, I will share as clear as possible so that you will understand the playing steps easily.

Play Dragon City On Facebook

Dragon city is a city which is located in the sky, where there live so many dragons. And in this game, we are given a duty to take cara those dragons. It includes helping them in breeding, take care of their eggs and so on.

In playing this game, we will be given some choices to choose some interesting and cute dragons. And also the dragon elements such as Fire, Plant, Metal, Earth, Ice, Dark, and Water.

Dragon city Breeding 

More than taking care of them, you are required to help them breeding. Because the gender of those dragons were not determined, then you can choose which dragon you prefer to breed. Later on, from the breeding process, there will be born a new species.

Managing City of Dragon City 

Besides taking care of the dragons, you must also manage the city, a play where they grow. What makes this activity interesting is that you can send your dragon to the battle arena, and your Dragon will fight againts other player’s dragon. For your information that, to do this thing you must gain a certain level. The players of this game ara from all around the world. When you win the battle, you willl get a pretty cool reward.

How To Play Dragon City On Facebook - Knowing The Items

In playing the Dragon City game, we must have a lot of patience, especially to collect golds and fruits.


Golds can be gathered from your dragons. The more level you have the more gold you will have later on. You can use your golds to increase your habitat level, purchasing a new dragon, and also purchasing an island.


You can use your food/fruit to feed your dragons and increase the level of your dragon. For starting, your level will be level 10. Increase your level by fighting your dragon with other dragons.


This thing is the most difficult one to get. And the easiest way to get a lot of gems is by purchasing it using real money. You can doit via bank transfer. But if you do not want to spend your money, you can still get gems by playing it regularly. But it takes too much time.

Step by step Playing Dragon City On Facebook

Collect as many gold and coins as possible. To get a lot of gold and coins, you can the followings:
  • Go buy a building, named Recruitment Traven
  • Find and add your Facebook friend who play Dragon City (At lest 3 friends)
  • After they accepted your request, get your dragon gift named ‘Medieval Dragon’. This kind of dragon is the most expesive one.
And for the next, what you need to do is just to follow the instruction given by the game.

Well I think that’s all about how to play dragon city on facebook. I hope all what I share here will be usefull for you. Happy playing!