Saturday, November 12, 2016

How To Level Up Fast In Dragon City on Facebook

Level Up Fast In Dragon City Facebook – Dragon City is an adventure game which is now one of the most popular games on Facebook. Not only old people who play it, but also children are interested as well.

Level up Dragon City on Facebook

Dragon City Game Play

The game play of this game could be said very simple, where our mission here is to build and develop dragon ecosystem from any habitat.

We will need to collect as many as food in order to level up our dragon, and also build building namely Farm.  

Then, to build our farm, we need gold that we can get from our dragon. For you to know that the higher the level of our dragon, we will get more gold. Besides, in this game there also supported items for the building.

Dragon City Fast Level Up Guide

The fastest way to increase your level is using EXP.

Now the question will be “How can we get EXP in fast way?” , In fact our EXP will be increasing only when we build a new building or when we plant in the farm. The good news is that I will share to you the secret how to do that all in very easy steps.

Step #1

Build Dragon’s habitat which produce a lot of gold. And in this case, you can choose ‘Fire’. Give your focus and priority to them.

Step #2

If you build many Fire habitat, at the same time you must enlarge the number of your Fire Dragon also.

Step #3

Build less important building such as Market and Tavern at the end. Do it lately.

Step #4

Collect gold as many as you can to achieve high EXP through big food farm.

Step #5

Repeat all the above process till you reach high level.

I thinks that’s all about how to level up Dragon City Fast on Facebook. Hopefully all I share here will be meaningful for you.

Happy playing.